Authored and Co-Authored Books
Weighing Animal Welfare: Comparing Well-being Across Species. Oxford University Press, 2024.
Wildlife Ethics: Animal Ethics in Wildlife Management and Conservation, w/ Christian Gamborg, Jordan Owen Hampton, Clare Palmer, and Peter Sandoe. Blackwell, 2023.
A 21st Century Ethical Toolbox, w/ Anthony Weston. Fifth Edition. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Animal Ethics — A Contemporary Introduction. Routledge, 2021.
The Ethics of Eating Animals. Routledge, 2020.
Modal Justification via Theories. Springer, 2017. NDPR Review.
Edited Books
College Ethics: A Reader on Moral Issues That Affect You. Oxford University Press, 2020. (First Edition: 2017.)
Ethics, Left and Right: The Moral Issues That Divide Us. Oxford University Press, 2020.
The Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics. Routledge, 2020.
Modal Epistemology After Rationalism, w/ Felipe Leon. Springer, 2017.
The Moral Complexities of Eating Meat, w/ Ben Bramble. Oxford University Press, 2015. NDPR Review.
"Navigating Uncertainty about Sentience," w/ Hayley Clatterbuck. Ethics, forthcoming.
"Counting Subjects," w/ Joe Gottlieb. Inquiry, forthcoming.
"The Ethical Implications of Panpsychism," w/ Joe Gottlieb. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.
"Foundations Should Invest More into Staff," w/ Kyle A. Smith, Stanford Social Innovation Review, forthcoming.
"Monetizing Animal Welfare Impacts for Benefit-Cost Analysis," w/ Mark Budolfson, Romain Espinosa, and Nicholas Treich. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, forthcoming.
"How to Express Improvements in Animal Welfare in DALYs-averted," Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2024.
"Intersubstrate Welfare Comparisons: Important, Difficult, and Potentially Tractable," w/ Jeff Sebo, Utilitas, 2024.
"Animal Welfare: Methods to Improve Policy and Practice," w/ Mark Budolfson and Noah Scovronick, Science, 2023.
"Hybrid Theories, Psychological Plausibility, and the Human/Animal Divide," w/ Clare Palmer and TJ Kasperbauer, Philosophical Studies, 2023.
“Internally Triggered Experiences of Hedonic Valence in Non-human Animals: Cognitive and Welfare Considerations,” w/ Johannes Mahr, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2023.
"Climate Change, Human-Wildlife Conflict and Biodiversity Loss," in The Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare, edited by Andrew Knight, 2022.
"Disgust and the Logic of Contamination: Biology, Culture, and the Evolution of Norm (Over)Compliance," w/ Isaac Wiegman, Mind & Language, 2022.
"It/He/They/She: On Pronoun Norms for All, Human and Nonhuman," w/ Alyse Spiehler, Ergo, 2022.
"Should Global Conservation Initiatives Prioritize Phylogenetic Diversity?" w/ Clare Palmer, Philosophia, 2022.
“Should We Connect Children to Nature in the Anthropocene?" w/ Brendon Larson and Susan Clayton, People and Nature, 2022.
"Two Challenges to Johannsen on Habitat Destruction," Philosophia, 2022.
"Animal Agriculture, Wet Markets, and COVID-19: A Case Study in Indirect Activism," w/ Alyse Spiehler, Food Ethics, 2021.
"Who Should Do What for the Wild Animals We Abandoned?" Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, 2021.
"Boycotting and Public Mourning," Res Publica, 2020.
“In Defense of Neural Disenhancement to Promote Animal Welfare,” in Neuroethics and Nonhuman Animals, edited by Andrew Fenton, L. Syd M. Johnson, and Adam Shriver, 2020.
"Keep Your Cats Indoors: a Reply to Abbate," Acta Analytica, 2020.
"Quantifying the Valuation of Animal Welfare Among Americans," w/ Scott T. Weathers, Lucius Caviola, Laura Scherer, Stephan Pfister, Jesse B. Bump, and Lindsay M. Jaacks; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2020.
"Collecting Insects to Conserve Them: A Call for Ethical Caution," w/ Brendon Larson; Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2019.
"How Lewis Can Meet the Integration Challenge," w/ Eric Gilbertson; Journal of Philosophical Research, 2019.
"How to Reply to Some Ethical Objections to Entomophagy," Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2019.
"In Defense of Backyard Chickens," w/ Josh Milburn; Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2019.
"Moral Bioenhancement Probably Won't Improve Things for Animals (and May Make Them Worse)," Topoi, 2019.
"Nonideal Ethics and Arguments against Eating Animals," Environmental Values, 2019.
"The Problem with Person-rearing Accounts of Moral Status," w/ Travis Timmerman; Thought, 2019.
"Arguments for Consuming Animal Products," The Oxford Handbook of Food Ethics, ed. Anne Barnhill, Mark Budolfson, and Tyler Doggett; Oxford University Press, 2018.
"C. I. Lewis and the Benacerraf Problem," Episteme, 2018.
"Field Deaths in Plant Agriculture," w/ Andy Lamey; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2018.
"Speech and War: Rethinking the Ethics of Speech Restrictions," w/ Burkay Ozturk; The Value and Limits of Academic Speech: Philosophical, Political, and Legal Perspectives, ed. Donald Alexander Downs and Chris W. Surprenant; Routledge, 2018.
"Teaching for Our Good," Philosophers in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching, ed. Steven Cahn, Alexandra Bradner, and Andrew Mills; Hackett, 2018.
"Facsimiles of Flesh," w/ Burkay Ozturk; Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2017.
"Focus on Fish: A Call to Effective Altruists," w/ Max Elder, Essays in Philosophy, 2017.
"The Moral Objection to Modal Realism," Erkenntnis, 2017.
"A Theory-based Epistemology of Modality," The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2016.
"Bugging the Strict Vegan," Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics, 2016.
"Disgust as Heuristic," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2016.
"Hale on the Architecture of Modal Knowledge," Analytic Philosophy, 2016.
"Theory Selection in Modal Epistemology," American Philosophical Quarterly, 2015.
"Disgust and the Collection of Bovine Fetal Blood," in Animal Ethics and Philosophy: Questioning the Orthodoxy, ed. Elisa Aaltola and John Hadley; Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
"Why It Doesn't Matter Whether the Virtues Are Truth-Conducive," Synthese, 2014.